Legends of Mathmatica^2: Under the Shadow of Certainty is a game currently in the works thanks to Vernacular Games, an up and coming indie gaming company. It is a pixel game centered around puns, exploration and fighting the forces of evil. As one of their artists, my job was to: design the towns, design the building inside layouts and design important and generic NPC's.

The starter town of the game. It's meant to look like ruins or an abandoned town after the dream.

One of the first cities or towns you can enter and explore first. The initial concept was just a town on a bridge.

A desert town located in the northern desert area. The main concept was for it to be like an old style wild west town.

The starter town of the game. It's meant to look like ruins or an abandoned town after the dream.

I first designed about 3 different layouts for each city or town and after the Project manager said what we liked and disliked, I would make 3 more. This would continue until we finalized the layout for that particular city.

Same with the towns, I would design at least 2 or 3 different layouts for each room the player would be able to explore. Sometimes there would be minor changes or I would combine 2 designs.

Each town and city had their own tile-sheet. I had to make sure everything was evenly spaced and that it has everything I need. Occasionally I would have to edit tiles or custom make ones if I was missing something important.

When we didn't have the assets that we needed and I couldn't combine several premade ones to make something, I had to custom make one. Sometimes that meant I also had to make custom animations.

I wanted to make it look like the orb was pulsating with light.

When we didn't have the assets that we needed and I couldn't combine several premade ones to make something, I had to custom make one. Sometimes that meant I also had to make custom animations.

For certain items I had to not only custom make them, using references, I also had to make custom animations. Whether that be magical orbs, a flowing fountain or a flapping flag.

I had to make some simple edits to the bodies, but for the most part I used a premade body. The outfits and hairdos, are completely custom though

I had to make a custom sitting position for the king, so as he could fit comfortably in his throne.

I custom made these animations, as well as all of the: instruments, clothes, and extras.

I had to make some simple edits to the bodies, but for the most part I used a premade body. The outfits and hairdos, are completely custom though

I was given a list of various custom characters that needed to be made. Using that list, and various references, I would make 4 different outfits and hairdos per character.
Once a design was chosen or edited appropriately, I would then transfer the design onto the pre-made walk cycle. I would sometimes edit both the character sprite and walk cycles to make different character. For example: I would shorten everything to make a child or make someone looked hunch over for an elderly fellow.